Just wanted to let everyone know that it looks like there are no cute baby dresses in my near future. Yep. We're having another boy! Goodness gracious! What am I going to do with all these boys? I get to choose the name (Kevin made me a deal), and I think I have a first name, but the name I like best for a middle name Kevin hates. If I can't come up with anything else, I'm going to have to just make an executive decision. Actually now that I think about it, I don't think anyone I've told yet likes the name. I think the first name is going to be Ezra, so any suggestions that sound good with Ezra would be appreciated. Of course, I still have 4 1/2 months to go, so I could totally change my mind.
It's almost too bad we're not having a girl. We had a name we both liked picked out since within a week of finding out I was pregnant. Oh, well. We're just making sure there will be plenty of missionaries and priesthood holders in the world. And carrying on the family name, since we're the only grandkids with our last name having boys so far.
One day, I will have a girl. I can't give up hope. ;P
Letter to his little brother Miles Jan. 22, 2012
13 years ago
Well,you are just making sure there will be husbands for all these little girls around! I like the name Ezra! I'll think of some middle names for you...
I like the name Ezra, We have a friend in our ward that had her baby a day before Matthew and his name is Ezra too. You can always give him your middle name, I think that would work good together. I saw your facebook post and am praying for Noah. I now have a link to your blog from mine. www.cougarpackfamily.blogspot.com
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